Smartphone Workshop
Having been treated to an inspirational talk by Jet the previous evening, on 10th April a group of 13 met at the Pageant Gardens, Sherborne where they received further instruction from Jet in the use of their Smartphone Cameras.
Here are just a few images captured on the day, together with a couple of links Jet recommended for publication.
Stick on mirrors - Want to get creative?
These ones are quite small, but bigger ones are available.
Tiny people - These guys are pretty good for small people - or Google ’model train set figures’ and lots come up. Lego figures work just as well too.
You may also be interested in this short article and video about how (and why) Nick Knight took his Roses from my Garden photos on his iPhone -
This is the link to the Petapixel video about the ’Shot on iPhone’ advertising campaigns. Bearing in mind this was recorded in 2017, a lot has changed in the smartphone camera world since then!!!
Jeanette (Jet)
Creative Director
Jet Black Squares Ltd™